All and Everything: 1st Series: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
Title: All and Everything: 1st Series: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
Author: George Gurdjieff
Publisher: E. P. Dutton
Publication Year: 1964
ISBN: 0525052224
An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man. The narrative of this book revolves around the ruminations of a highly evolved being known as Beelzebub to his grandson Hassein, as they travel through space towards Beelzebub's home planet Karatas. It recounts the adventures and travails of Beelzebub amongst humans over the aeons in various locations on Earth. Beelzebub covers the entire history of the peculiar behaviors of these beings. In this text, Gurdjieff intended to "destroy, mercilessly . . . the beliefs and views about everything existing in the world." This book comprises the 1st series in Gurdjieff's monumental All and Everything series.
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