Clarion Vol 7: Bob Thompson: So let us all be citizens
A. B. Spellman
The Beautiful Day #10 for Bob Thompson
127 Words
1 Note
didn’t he ramble? he rambled rambled all around rambled through the town he rambled till the butcher cut him down (traditional new orleans backline song)
his painter’s hand reaches out to the forest of the streets his good beasts rush into scenes whose inhabitants don’t want them as they do not know their needs piero’s sheba freezes in adoration of the holy wood while bob’s bird with the man’s face hovers over her like the roof of a tent
poor harried sheba she’d have called him a buzzard & chased him away had her eye not been full of the stake of jesus & the horses that mounted the trees that surround her & nipped at the ladies in imitation of voltaire’s monkeys